Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Busy Mama is a lousy blogger!

Wow time gets away when you are managing a hectic household, 2 small businesses and 2 small boys and did I mention starting to study again?
No wonder I am pooped and just slightly addicted to caffeine!
BubZone has been going from strength to strength so a big thank-you to our loyal supporters and shoppers.
2011 is set to be a H-U-G-E with new categories added, more products and more of the good quality and inspired choices that sets us apart from those BIG department stores.
You know the ones you think you will go to with the pram and maybe the toddler and you walk in brimming with confidence and leave 2 hrs later disheveled with a screaming child, snot on your shirt, half a packet of non-nutritious-please-be-good-for-mummy bribery items. You spent half the time waiting for lifts because of the pram and the other half saying no to all the pester power items on display plus 2 visits to the toilet with a I-need-to-wee stop followed 15 minutes later with a I-need-to-poo now stop.
The thought is all too exhausting - so we suggest you get online and support the community of small business operators and Mumpreneurs who will deliver to your door !!

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