Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Crying Over Spilt Milk...

Dear Honda,

I just had to go outside and see you to retrieve the magnetic Spongebob Squarepants stuffed toy that is a mandatory requirement to lull my VERY nearly 3 yr old cherub to sleep.
Honda, you smell like a soiled Huggies was left in your boot in the middle of January. My how you pong. Your smell is so bad I wonder if you will ever resume your former glory of new car smell or post car wash smell that is fleeting yet as arousing as a pheromone.
After much searching I am resigned to the fact spilt milk is the cause for your body odour.
How do I rid you of such a foul stench? How can I ever justify buying a more elite model of vehicle when such smells are possible after the smallest of spillages?
I really don't look forward to our next encounter. I know it looms near on 12 hours away but I know you will still smell like a used sock and I will have to subject myself and my precious junior burgers to a nasal assault.
Will I cope? Will we even survive or pass out from the fumes of all things unsanitary?
Till we meet again.
Your non-proud owner,

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