Monday, July 5, 2010

Mama loves to shop!

What better excuse is there than to go to a trade expo for a 'BubZone' purchasing expedition!
All in the line of work of course, looking for new and groovy baby products, tried and tested and innovative, a bit cool, a bit different.
Whilst I did find some rockin' stuff out there for the under 1's I admit I was finding myself being all too captivated by furniture displays, gorgeous Moroccan lights, unusual wood carvings and handbags and jewelry and gems and all things shiny.
My Visa card and I were lucky to make it out in one piece, although I was clutching a very healthy handful of brochures. Started to browse through the multitude of websites last night so maybe my Visa card isn't safe.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sophie the Giraffe

I have had the privilege of spending a fair bit of time of late with a great group of entrepreneurial Mums. Some Mums with young children like myself, some with teenagers and one Mum-to-be.

It has been really inspiring meeting these ladies. They have all got great ambition and great business ideas and it reminds me why as parents we need to get out and 'network' and expand our circle.

Parenting often becomes such a consuming role that taking time out to be just 'you' again feels selfish or wrong. I really believe that the opposite is true and that to really be happy in yourself you have to keep mixing it up, stay vibrant and hear what other people in the world are doing.

My lovely burst of freedom last week was to see Sex in the City 2, talk about escapism. Oh to have a designer wardrobe and a body like Sarah Jessica Parker!

BubZone did take stock of something a little one-off, vintage and French last week. Sophie the Giraffe.

This famous Euro baby teether has been around since 1961 and the great retro design has not changed. New to Australian shores we think she is lovely

Monday, April 26, 2010

My baby is one...

So my littlest man turned one on April 23rd.

He was oblivious to the magnitude of such an event but his Dad and I were full of pride and mystified how a year went by so fast and before our eyes this helpless newborn has morphed into a delightful yet willful being with a fixation for TV remotes, opening and closing drawers, climbing anything that remains still long enough and an addiction to bath time.

It had been a big week for him, first tentative steps taken, horrendous chest rattle and a visit to the Doctor and as a special gift to his Mum, he also slept for 9 hours for the first time!

His brother didn't quite share the same level of joy when gifts weren't shared around as per December 25th. There was some evil staring going on but one thing united the two - a love of Birthday cakes and decorations that were chocolate and candied.
Hmmm, maybe that is genetic...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Crying Over Spilt Milk...

Dear Honda,

I just had to go outside and see you to retrieve the magnetic Spongebob Squarepants stuffed toy that is a mandatory requirement to lull my VERY nearly 3 yr old cherub to sleep.
Honda, you smell like a soiled Huggies was left in your boot in the middle of January. My how you pong. Your smell is so bad I wonder if you will ever resume your former glory of new car smell or post car wash smell that is fleeting yet as arousing as a pheromone.
After much searching I am resigned to the fact spilt milk is the cause for your body odour.
How do I rid you of such a foul stench? How can I ever justify buying a more elite model of vehicle when such smells are possible after the smallest of spillages?
I really don't look forward to our next encounter. I know it looms near on 12 hours away but I know you will still smell like a used sock and I will have to subject myself and my precious junior burgers to a nasal assault.
Will I cope? Will we even survive or pass out from the fumes of all things unsanitary?
Till we meet again.
Your non-proud owner,