It has been really inspiring meeting these ladies. They have all got great ambition and great business ideas and it reminds me why as parents we need to get out and 'network' and expand our circle.
Parenting often becomes such a consuming role that taking time out to be just 'you' again feels selfish or wrong. I really believe that the opposite is true and that to really be happy in yourself you have to keep mixing it up, stay vibrant and hear what other people in the world are doing.
My lovely burst of freedom last week was to see Sex in the City 2, talk about escapism. Oh to have a designer wardrobe and a body like Sarah Jessica Parker!
BubZone did take stock of something a little one-off, vintage and French last week. Sophie the Giraffe.
This famous Euro baby teether has been around since 1961 and the great retro design has not changed. New to Australian shores we think she is lovely